Casa Gilardi, Mexico City


使3穿访西· Luis Barragán 

Casa Gilardi



Solitude. Only in intimate communion with solitude may man find himself. Solitude is good company and my architecture is not for those who fear or shun it.

 Luis Barragán

Casa Luis Barragán


 The Modern House)

线soledad (西广便西... 便




It is alarming that publications devoted to architecture have banished from their pages the words Beauty, Inspiration, Magic, Spellbound, Enchantment, as well as the concepts of Serenity, Silence,Intimacy and Amazement. All these have nestled in my soul, and though I am fully aware that I have not done them complete justice in my work, they have never ceased to be my guiding lights.

 Luis Barragán

Cuadra San Cristóbal 


If red is intensity, fecundity, is a burning desire and an eternal longing to return to white, then pink must be the journey. No less intense or painful, but you will walk with the dancing bougainvillea by your feet.

Capilla de las Capuchinas


Pelvis Series Red With Yellow, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1960

西西西Casa Gilardi

Pritzker Architecture Prize



Jill Magid西

 I am only a symbol for all those who have been touched by Beauty.

 Luis Barragán

 the end 


s o p h i e


Lex54 Concerts


         , ,        








性是美好的。但与爱一样,只有很少很少的人才真正经历过最美好的性。最美好的性从来与高潮迭起与否没有关系,大部分人之所以停留在以高潮去判别好坏的程度,是因为他们从不相信这么美好的爱情存在。那么真正美好的性是什么?性在我眼里大多数组成部分是自己对自己的态度。在与他人的性爱过程中,大部分是自己与自己的灵魂纠缠。真正美好的性之所以美好和少有,是因为它建立在双方必须忘我的前提下,那么也就是说在性爱的过程中是自己的灵魂被释放出来,而不再与自己的灵魂纠缠。要达到性爱中的忘我,需要两颗心最真挚地相爱。两颗心在没有性的染色下,才可以最自由地去交谈, 而在确认这最真挚最热烈的情感下,性爱的美好才能够真正被体验。”纯爱”不是什么高度,它只是最美好的爱情的一个重要决定条件。


我对其他典型的小清新作品不了解,所以不能妄下定论。但是我想说这部作品充斥着浓重的浪漫主义色彩 – 这里的“浪漫”不是仅仅指风花雪月你侬我侬,而是指起源于德国的浪漫主义文学作品,主人公无尽地在理想主义追求中的自我折磨和大胆的奇幻想象。个人认为这和小清新完全背道而驰。

简爱为什么会选择Rochester?是因为他不仅懂和欣赏她没有性别的灵魂,而且还有那个时代男人极少有的(是否该说是根本不存在的,毕竟小说是虚幻的)勇气去选择与她这样的灵魂在一起生活。虽然我们现在的社会标榜自己的进步和开放,可是我认为这样的男人在现在也十分少有。女人,遇到这样的男人便是美好,没遇到我们便继续做那作为一个human being该做的事情。

I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naïve or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman.

Woman of mystery

Men like to complain about women being too emotional, too complicated, too hard to understand. I complain about women the same, so I complain about myself as such, too.

Anais Nin talks about being a woman, a mother – a mother who gives life not to children of the earth, but a mother who gives life to the men who are artists. And of course, being an artist is being somewhere ever so close to God, the Creator.


Have you ever wondered why women orgasm? Unlike men, it does not serve any functional purpose for women. There are quite a number of women who never experienced orgasm in their entire lives. And even for the same woman who is capable of reaching orgasm, she may find orgasm an entirely whimsical fairy.

Oh but when it comes, it consumes you from the depth of your soul, gushing your tears out, breaths short, eyes shut.

Yes. Ecstasy. Ecstasy, the utter beatitude, and tears. (Have you ever wondered why tragedy is placed on a higher ground than comedy?)

When a woman reaches that ecstatic moment, the equivalent of male orgasmic functionality is achieved – to give life to the Stimmung, 洪荒,where artists springs to life, where one is closest to God.

It takes a lifetime for the woman to unveil this mystery about herself, and it takes much more for a man to unveil this mystery with her, and for her. If you are a woman, consider it a great privilege to be a woman of mystery; and if you are a man, oh… when you meet the woman for you, what great mystery stands before you to unveil…..


Hello 2017

I woke up to this old photograph (photographer unknown), and I cannot help but to beam.

I realized that I’ve forgotten how to fully expand my soul in each moment of happiness. They say realization is the first step to improvement, well, here’s to a year of putting the heart into everything  – and I mean, everything – that I choose to do, and letting the soul fulfill each moment.

Questions: dependence, women, artist, etc

I’m picking up writing again. Because: I realized I am (whether or not consciously) attracted to a stream-of-conscious style of writing (Henry Miller, Montaigne, Anais Nin’s diary even), and that more important than the product of writing itself, is the self-discovery during the process of writing ( as Kafka puts it: “It is, in fact, an intercourse with ghosts, and not only with the ghost of the recipient but also with one’s own ghost which develops between the lines of the letter one is writing and even more so in a series of letters where one letter corroborates the other and can refer to it as a witness.”). So it is my hope here, then, to keep writing as much as I can manage in order to keep my brain deft and well.

Two questions stemming from the same vein caught my attention lately. One (first asked by a friend of mine who happens to be a highly accomplished, serious, classical musician): if making money and achieving that desirable state of living is easy, would an artist still strive to work hard still?

As I’m typing this it seems a rather silly and self-evident question. If an artist forfeits his/her artistic effort due to easily accessible material comfort, it is obvious he/she is not a true artist. Why? Because the goal isn’t for art. But in my friend’s case, as much as I know about him, he certainly is a serious and dedicated musician. Perhaps the answer is this: for an artistic mind (or otherwise; as I believe it is true for the majority of us), materialist accumulation has no end. And therefore such unquenched desire for material gain and living comfort will always propel such people like him to strive for a higher ground artistically.

Second question is, for a woman who can easily obtain such materialistic comfort by means of men, would she still strive for self-fulfillment as an independent human being? I am a woman and I have no desire whatsoever to achieve a comfortable living through men – in fact, I tend to possess strong self-loathing feelings if I were ever close to that. So I can’t really answer this question. Maybe I will another time.

A slightly related thought: I think the sexual freedom women achieved through feminist movements is as much about choosing to have sex outside of a marital status with only the married partner as it is about choosing not to perform sexual act as a duty to her married partner within a marriage.

Ample make this bed

There are many ways to categorize people (“categorize” people, of course each person is an individual; but please bear with me for the sake of this topic). One way is to separate people into these two kinds: one who have led an innocent life, a life without the kiss of death; and the other, who have made choices so burdensome and gruesome, that the only way to continue living is through atonement. If one is strong enough and lucky enough, one will live through a metamorphosis after paying off the debts.

It is in such debts that we feel most closely bound to each other. We come to understand each other. Kinship. Humanity.

If you are debt free,  I pray the kiss of death will never be near. In an age of social media prevalence, I hope your display of happiness truly stems from the happiness of life.

I chose not to live lightly nor frivolously. Make this bed with awe.

Ample make this bed.
Make this bed with awe;
In it wait till judgment break
Excellent and fair.

Be its mattress straight,
Be its pillow round;
Let no sunrise’ yellow noise
Interrupt this ground.

– Emily Dickinson

Good Sunday morning

It is not like everyday that I get to wake up, drink a cup of tea with the sunlight pouring in from my window onto my table. This morning had to be one, so I have decided.

One of my favorite pictorial fragments of San Francisco is the oily green lemon tree leaves offsetting the golden lemons, standing in front of the backdrop of the blue San Franciscan sky. But one of my most cherished experience in San Francisco comes from exactly a week ago.

Last Sunday morning was a chilly and gloomy one. The fog that accumulated during the night has not yet cleared up. It was nearly 10:30 AM, and I went to wait at the bus stop for the bus that was to take me to church, where I was to visit for the first time. The route was, of course, one that I had never taken before also.

The bus arrived exactly on time. I got on the bus, took a seat by the window. The route was not exactly the most scenic one, but it was warmly quiet and peaceful. Down the winding road, it was obvious that we were journeying on a hill, that sometimes through the gap between two houses I can see the valley. I don’t remember when it first caught my eyes but a charming Tudor house appeared for the brief minute or two I could muster while the bus drove by, and the next thing I new more houses of the Italian style started to emerge. The cobble steps, the flowers and the windows that seemed to lead into intriguing secrets from each households, I knew I was not in San Francisco, I was not in 2012, and I was not on a bus. The mist flowed around, houses kept appearing and disappearing, and yet time was suspended. A beautiful fountain was there, in the middle of a road. Our carriage had to go around it. I could hear the giggles from the girls from Jane Austin’s novels, I could see the English garden just 10min walk away. It was all misty, and still.

As we reached the end of the road, I saw a muni car waiting on the other road we were reaching. No, we were on a bus not a carriage afterall. But was it real? I was for a brief moment transported to a completely different reality. All came about from nowhere, with no expectations.

I felt so satisfied. A feast of beauty.

Later on I looked up the neighborhood I went through, it was called “St.Francis Wood”. But it didn’t matter what it was called. Or to what fame an renown it associated itself. It was a moment of unexpected wonder that unfurled itself onto my experience, serendipity to the fullest extent.

And that’s what life is about, isn’t it?

I am in San Francisco

Dear world, dear self,

I have not felt such a strong urge to write in a long time. It is 1:10 AM in beautiful San Francisco, and I am sitting in front of my newly acquired computer with a cup of aromatic chamomile tea, desiring not to rest but to write. The only reason, for the first time in my life I believe, is that from the depth of my being I have a need to write again.

I has taken me, up to today, 3 weeks to finally believe that I am in San Francisco, enrolled in a chamber music program and doing what I have always been so passionate to do. It in itself is truly a wonder, for which I have always been so in awe and so grateful.

Today was just another day. Yet, with all the musical ideas I have received from my lesson on Op.110, it felt like I’m probing into a distant memory. Closer to understanding a vast inner world, and thus living a different present reality. In the past week, the amount of coachings I have received was overwhelming, and I think if I do not try to straighten them up every day or so, they will be all cluttered and useless.

I have begun to observe that the older we grow, there seems to be more of a desperate need to simplify. Simplify the shaping of a phrase, the observing of a harmonic change, and our way of experiencing.

I am afraid that I must say goodnight now.